I Surrender…


Have you ever felt like God has been silent for too long about the very things you are continuously praying and seeking Him for? More specifically, the desires that you are so desperate for, the ones that may seem like an eternity has flown by without an answer from Him.

You may never have thought you would face any of these uncertainties. You probably also imagined that God would fulfill your desires exactly when you have them.

Well, my dear friends, you are not alone. I’ve been there! I know how gut wrenching it can be to wait for a husband and start giving up hope that marriage is for me. And even trying month after month to conceive a child with no success even though I cried many tears and prayed countless times about it. I’ve wondered why God will withhold such good things from those who are seeking Him and desiring it. After all, the bible says He grants the desires to those who take delight in Him. So, I often questioned why it wasn’t happening for me. Was I not good enough for a husband? Would I not be a good mother? Was this not part of His plan for me? Why isn’t He answering me?

Both of these separate moments of waiting were such pivotal points in my life of faith in Him. The focus of my prayer life changed from wanting those unmet desires fulfilled, to surrendering and yielding to His will, whatever it may be. I came to a place where I was content, even if His answer was no. I desired Him more than anything else. And no matter how desperate I was for a husband and a child, my desperation for knowing Him more was greater. I realized that nothing and no one, should ever come before Him. So instead of worrying and questioning His silence, I surrendered every area of my life to Him.

The moment I did that, He started to move. Turns out a husband and a child were part of His plans for me all along, because He blessed me with them sooner than I thought. He provided them shortly after I surrendered those areas completely to Him. He answered me, while my eyes, mind and heart were fixed on Him alone.

The truth is, before He blessed me with a husband and a child, I was in complete  desperation for them. Those areas of my life were constantly on my mind and my focus was always on them.

Sometimes, when we want something so strongly, our minds tend to focus on those things constantly and we can even get consumed by them. We will end up missing out on enjoying the journey while we try to reach our destination. We also don’t pursue God wholeheartedly because He is not always on our mind! We have to be willing to let go of the life we pictured, in order to live the life God has planned.

What areas in your life do you think you need to surrender to God? The act of surrender is saying to God, ‘not my will, but let Your will be done’, and really meaning it.  Releasing it to Him and yielding to His will.


I encourage you to surrender your desires, your wants, your thoughts, your agendas, your timeline, your worries, your anxieties, and your heart to Him. Never forget that His silence can always be trusted because He neither slumbers, nor sleeps and is always working on your behalf!

Choose to follow Him, even though you may not know where He is taking you.  Choose to trust His timing, even without knowing when it will come. Choose to surrender every aspect of your life to Him so that you can enjoy every day with Him!

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding”-Proverbs 3:5

Much love and blessings to you!

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